Alex (Jay) Balan is the Chief Security Researcher and Spokesperson for Bitdefender. His career is focused in the fields of information security, innovation and product strategy, which he has accumulated over 15 years of experience. Balan drove the vision for Bitdefender's UNIX-based security solutions before kickstarting an ambitious project that would advance the company's R&D department and steer a good part of the company's focus towards technology and innovation
- Using cloud implementations to hack IoT. A practical guide working on multiple vendors
Ali Abdollahi a cyber security expert with over 8 years of experience working in a variety of security fields. Ali is a full-time consultant helping clients with product security testing, reverse engineering, penetration testing, exploit developing, red-teaming, secure coding, and more, giving him ample opportunity to use his skills in a diversity of ways. In addition, He is instructor, author and board of review at Hakin9 company. Ali is a self-confessed bug hunter, publisher of many vulnerabilities and CVEs. Ali is a regular speaker and trainer at industry conferences like: DefCon (Red Team, AppSec and Aerospace villages), C0C0nXII, OWASP AppSec Days, BSides, TyphoonCon, Texas Cyber Summit, Confidence Con.
- Hunting malware in documents (lang: EN)
- Hacker Quiz
Andy Greenberg is an award-winning senior writer for WIRED, covering security, privacy, information freedom, and hacker culture. He's the author of the book SANDWORM: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers. The book and excerpts from it published in WIRED won a Gerald Loeb Award for International Reporting, a Sigma Delta Chi Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, two Deadline Club Awards from the New York Society of Professional Journalists, and the Cornelius Ryan Citation for Excellence from the Overseas Press Club. Greenberg's last book was THIS MACHINE KILLS SECRETS, about WikiLeaks, cryptography, and the cypherpunks, which was selected as an Editor's Choice by The New York Times Book Review in 2012. Before coming to WIRED, Greenberg worked as a senior reporter for Forbes magazine. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, filmmaker Malika Zouhali-Worrall.
- SANDWORM: Lessons from the Ukrainian Cyberwar and Beyond
Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a "security guru" by The Economist. He is the author of 12 books -- including "Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World" -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and academic papers. His influential newsletter "Crypto-Gram" and blog "Schneier on Security" are read by over 250,000 people. Schneier is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, a program fellow at the New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute, a board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and an Advisory Board member of the Electronic Privacy Information Center. He is also the Chief Technology Officer of Resilient Systems, Inc.
Photo by Vivian Babuts
- Special exclusive interview with Bruce Schneier
Carlos Polop, Spanish, Telecommunications Engineer by the UPM, Master in Cybersecurity by the UC3M, OSCP, CRTP and OSWE.
I have worked as Pentester in PWC Spain, as Security Specialist in the Department of Defence of Spain, and I'm currently working as Senior Pentester in SEC-1 (Claranet) based in London.
I'm also a hackaton and CTF player (SirBroccoli on HackTheBox).
You can learn every trick I learn about cybersecurity in my web page:
- Local Privilege Escalation Workshop (Linux & Windows) (lang: EN)
- PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts Suite
Ignat is a security engineer at Cloudflare working mostly on platform and hardware security. Ignat’s interests are cryptography, hacking, and low-level programming. Before Cloudflare, Ignat worked as a senior security engineer for Samsung Electronics’ Mobile Communications Division. His solutions may be found in many older Samsung smart phones and tablets. Ignat started his career as a security researcher in the Ukrainian government’s communications services.
- Paste Wars: fighting for copypaste freedom
1990 - родился
В секьюрити 7 лет
AppSec-аю 2 года
- Захист вiд ботiв без шкоди для бiзнесу. Теорiя та приклади впровадження рiзноманiтних механiзмiв
Jean-Philippe (JP) Aumasson (, co-founder Taurus. JP is well known for his work in cryptography including the reference book Serious Cryptography, the widely used algorithms BLAKE2 and SipHash, and talks at leading industry conferences. JP has been giving cryptography trainings since 2013 in multiple public and private settings.
- Post-quantum security: should you care?
Joe is currently a Senior OSINT Specialist at Qomplx, Inc. and previously maintained his own blog and podcast called Advanced Persistent Security. Joe is the inaugural winner of the DerbyCon Social Engineering Capture the Flag (SECTF) and was awarded a DerbyCon Black Badge. As a member of the Password Inspection Agency, Joe has placed 2nd in the HackFest Quebec Missing Persons CTF powered by TraceLabs, 2nd in the BSides Atlanta OSINT CTF, and 3rd Place in the 2018 & 2019 NOLACon OSINT CTFs. Joe has independently placed 2nd in the HackFest Quebec SECTF, 4th Place in the DerbyCon OSINT CTF, and 2nd Place in Hacker Jeopardy at Hack in Paris. Joe has contributed material for the likes of TripWire, AlienVault, ITSP Magazine, CSO Online, Forbes, and Dark Reading as well as his own platforms.
- A DECEPTICON and AUTOBOT walk into a bar: Python for enhanced OPSEC
Костянтин Корсун
У 2000-2005 роках Костянтин працював заступником керівника відділу боротьби з комп’ютерною злочинністю при Департаменті контррозвідки СБУ, а пізніше – одним із засновником та першим керівником CERT-UA.
Після звільненні зі служби Костянтин працював директором українського офісу міжнародної кібербезпекової компанії iSIGHT Partners (тепер є частиною FireEye), пізніше співпрацював з Symantec Corp. у якості незалежного постачальника послуг Threat Intelligence.
Наразі Костянтин є співзасновником та виконавчим директором кібербезпекової компанії Бережа Сек’юріті, яка надає послуги тестування на проникнення, оцінки безпеки програмного забезпечення, оцінки на соціальну інженерію, розробки та впровадження програм безпеки додатків, безпекової обізнаності персоналу, Bug Bounty, тощо.
Пан Корсун є активним членом української кібер-спільноти, пропагуючи ідеї розвитку індустрії кібербезпеки в українському суспільстві.
Kostiantyn Korsun
As former deputy head of Cybercrime Department at Security Service of Ukraine (colonel ret.), Kostiantyn was one of the founders and the first head of CERT-UA. After resigning from the service, Kostiantyn acted as Regional Director for Ukraine Research Office of iSIGHT Partners, international cyber threat intelligence company (now is a part of FireEye). Then he cooperated with Symantec Corp. as an official vendor of Threat Intelligence services.
Currently Kostiantyn is a CEO and Co-Founder of Berezha Security LLC., a company that provides services in Penetration Testing, Security Awareness Programs, Software Security Assessment, Bug Bounty Program, Social Engineering Assessment, Application Security Programs.
Mr. Korsun is an active member of the local cyber community in Ukraine promoting cybersecurity ideas within Ukrainian society.
- The country of unlearned lessons
Founder and Craftsman at CyberHouse.Ge - Georgian Information Security Company.
8 years of information security working experience in banking and governmental sector.
Experience areas: ISO 27k Implementation & Audit; Implementation and assessment of PCI DSS, PIN Security, PCI 3DS, NIST Cyber Security Framework, SWIFT CSP
MSc in Cyber Security, Tallinn University of Technology and University of Tartu.
- Cyber Attacks Against Georgia (October 2019 ) and Georgian Internet Security Landscape
Security Systems Engineer at EPAM
- How 2 remove a viru$
Computer Science Engineer from the University of Chile, he gave his first talk at Defcon 26 Skytalks, called “Macabre stories of a hacker in the public health sector”, his country’s government sent 3 officials to record the talk, over 3 Ministries shut down all their information systems afraid that Philippe would reveal some serious bugs and that Defcon attendees would hack the government, but the systems only were down from friday to monday, the only days hackers work. While living in Brazil he hacked over 3,000 wifi routers of the biggest ISP. Most of the time, he gives classes for free in various topics: CTF, pentesting, programming, Basic computer knowledge. He’s been working with Wifi hacking during the last 3 months. He has a company with a very clever name: Info-sec.
- Wifi hacking workshop (lang: EN)
@h4ckologic | Security Researcher | Bug Bounty Hunter
- Demystifying the Server Side (lang: EN)
Cryptographer and software engineer, passionate Linux user and coffee addict.
Ruslan holds MSc degree in Information and Communication Systems Security from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, specializing in symmetric cryptography. As a graduate he joined JSC "Institute of Information Technologies" to conduct research and development of symmetric cryptographic algorithms, where he collaborated with a team of cryptographers designing block cipher "Kalyna" adopted as a national standard of Ukraine in 2015. Ruslan now works at Brex.
- Special exclusive interview with Bruce Schneier
- Web application security assessment with source code analysis (lang: UA)
- Professional Debate
Tom is a PhD researcher at the university of Leuven in Belgium. In his research, Tom is broadly interested in web security and privacy, and more specifically focuses on uncovering side-channel attacks in the web platform and large-scale security evaluations. This has lead to the discovery of various issues with a wide-spread impact: HEIST, RCE in WordPress, browser-based timing attacks.
- Help, my browser is leaking! Exploring XSLeaks attacks and defenses
- Tactical Offensive Reporting (lang: UA)